From major coastal towns to seaside villages, the Government sees great potential in supporting end enabling this local knowledge.
From major coastal towns to seaside villages, the Government sees great potential in supporting and enabling this local knowledge. MHCLG are therefore encouraging the establishment of Coastal Community Teams to enable local communities to come together and develop a common vision and plans for their area.
For the purposes of this programme a coastal community is defined in the same way as for the Coastal Communities Fund.
A coastal community is therefore any coastal settlement within an English local authority area whose boundaries include English foreshore, including local authorities whose boundaries only include estuarine foreshore. Coastal settlements include seaside towns, ports and other areas which have a clear connection to the coastal economy.
Read the full article and list of Coastal Community Teams here.
A Coastal Community Team is a local partnership consisting of the local authority and a range of people and business interests from a coastal community who have an understanding of the issues facing that area and can develop an effective forward strategy for that place. The Team should include a range of local stakeholders and have broad support.
While Coastal Community Teams may choose their own priorities, suggested areas of focus, particularly for very new partnerships, are as follows:
- Enhancing the attractiveness and accessibility of public areas
- Providing increased community facilities
- Promoting the visitor economy
- Encouraging sustainable uses of heritage/cultural assets
- Creating links to support the growth and performance of the retail sector
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Explore Coastal Communities
The National Coastal Communities Alliance is a partnership of coastal Local Authorities, coastal organisations and individuals with an interest in coastal matters.
A thriving Lincolnshire coastline with a developing visitor economy founded on business growth and career opportunities for local people