
East of England

Located on the North Norfolk coast, Hunstanton has many unique points. It is the only resort of the east coast facing west, it is home to the stunning cliffs, the British Geological Society lists Hunstanton within the top 10 under the coastal category of the 100 great Geosites, and the heritage of the area dating back a mention in the Domesday Book of 1086, but more recently the planned seaside resort of Henry L’Estrange Styleman Le Strange in 1845.

As a Coastal Community Team all partners, including representatives of the Town Council, Chamber of Commerce, Civic Society, Town Team, Destination Management organisation, local prominent businesses and community groups with support from the local authority, have agreed to a common vision for the town. It is the ambition of the team to address seasonality and encourage visitors to stay longer and visit more often. The benefit will be not only for the hundreds of thousands of visitors each year but also for the local residents. Key to achieving this will be to drive forward an update of a Masterplan, which has already achieved so much for the benefit of the area, while working towards aims and objectives identified in the Destination Management Plan.

Contact Jemma Curtis –, 01553 616716

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